Thursday, November 28, 2019
Hermano Pule Essay Example
Hermano Pule Essay Hermano Pule Apolinario de la Cruz (July 22, 1814 November 4, 1841), known as Hermano Pule or Puli (Brother Pule), led a major revolt against Spanish rule of the Philippines based on a struggle for religious freedom and independence. Hermano Pule was born on July 22, 1814 in Barrio Pandac in the town of Lucban in Tayabas province (now Quezon). In 1829, at the age of 15, he decided to become a priest and tried to join the Dominican Order in Manila. During these times, Roman Catholic religious orders were closed for native people (indios). Apolinario decided to work at San Juan de Dios Hospital. During this time, he studied the Bible and other religious writings. Cofradia In 1832, de la Cruz founded the Cofradia de San Jose (Confraternity of St. Joseph), composed of indios. He was known to his followers as Hermano Pule. The Filipino brotherhood fostered a practice of Christian virtues. The Cofradia prohibited Spaniards and mestizos from joining without de la Cruzs permission. Suppression Authorities, including Spanish Governor-General Marcelino Oraa and Roman Catholic Archbishop Jose Segui regarded the Cofradia as heresy and an abomination of universal Christian values, ordering its dissolution. Despite its religious prohibition, the Cofradias numbers continued to grow. Feeling an attack on their religious freedom from Catholic authorities, de la Cruz rallied 4,000 followers at Barrio Isabang on the slope of Mount Banahaw and was able to resist an attack by Alcalde-mayor Joaquin Ortega and his 300 men on October 23, 1841. [1] However, reinforcements came on November 1st, with Colonel Joaquin Huet who annihilated the Cofradia forces, allegedly massacring hundreds of old men, women and children who joined Hermano Pule in Alitao in defying the Catholic leaders of the Church. Death We will write a custom essay sample on Hermano Pule specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Hermano Pule specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Hermano Pule specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Pule fled to Barrio Gibanga but was captured by authorities the following evening. On November 4, 1841, after a brief trial held at the present Casa Comunidad, he was executed by a firing squad at the town of Tayabas, at the age of 26. After he was killed, the authorities quartered his body, cut off his head and placed it on a stake as a warning to those who are similarly inclined. A monument in his honor now stands in Brgy. Isabang, Tayabas City, and his death anniversary is a holiday in Quezon Province. Hermano Pule may have influenced Father Jose Burgoswho was executed in 1872to demand for racial equality in the clergy.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Words that carry weight - Emphasis
Words that carry weight Words that carry weight The words obese and obesity may soon be off-limits at Liverpool City Council. The idea is to avoid causing offence, but will they just end up diluting the message? The proposal, if it goes ahead, would see these words replaced by the term unhealthy weight in any literature aimed at children. The idea came from around 90 nine to eleven year-olds of the Liverpool Schools Parliament, who see using obese as too negative, and potentially disheartening for the young people it may describe. Its often a good move to swap more clinical or jargon-like words for everyday alternatives which are more accessible to your audience, but sometimes you risk losing the full meaning behind the original choice. Some see this as a worrying move: clinically, being obese is much more serious than merely being overweight. This substitution is just fudging the problem says Tam Fry, of the Child Growth Foundation. Unfortunately sometimes schoolchildren have to be taught the realities of life. Let us know what you think. Is this a sensible plan to protect children, or just too PC?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
PARAPHRASE chapter 13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
PARAPHRASE chapter 13 - Essay Example ties better than competitors perform, a firm is potentially able to create more value than its competitors do.à Frequently, strategic positions in a firm can be classified into two broad categories, namely a cost advantage or a differentiation advantage. Should a firm beat others in activities that breed superior differentiation or in activities that create reduced expenses, its strategic standing should correspond to these activities. A firm can conveniently outsource its value-added activities to other firms that can do such activities at a relatively lower cost. However, a firm should refrain from outsourcing activities which though can be performed cheaply by other firms would lead it to subject itself to considerable transactions costs and hold. Chandler holds the view that capital-intensive industries enjoy economies of scale. Industries that can produce in large quantities can achieve considerable reductions in costs. A crucial ingredient of a few firms that will control the market and be successful is if they continue producing throughout. The marketing department is charged with identifying markets, securing distribution and determining the price at which the firm can sell its increased output. There exists few natural sources of economies of scale in labor-intensive industries hence big firms have no intrinsic cost advantage over small firms. Where there are many firms and absent product differentiation, the market will be dominated by few opportunities for profits. A key function of the marketing department is to distinguish the firmââ¬â¢s products in the mind of the consumer.à The department turns out to be a central origin of value in the firm. Successful differentiation on the other hand is capable of turning the market monopolistically competitive or oligopolistic where image differentiation is immensely successful. Marketing steers this progression of market structure. An experience good refers to a product whose quality is only assessable after
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
INDIAN NEGOTIATION STYLES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
INDIAN NEGOTIATION STYLES - Essay Example A break from socialist policies to a capitalist oriented economic structure has been cited as one of the contributing factors to the countryââ¬â¢s economic growth. Western countries have increased their levels of interest in the country for purposes of economic partnership. Indiaââ¬â¢s high population estimated at over a billion has attracted foreign investors who seek market for their products or cheap labor. However engaging with India demands a deeper connection with the culture, attitudes, and philosophies underlying their business practices. The Problem Multinationals and other global business entities that have attempted to establish their businesses in India have been faced with unique challenges that demanded the understanding of the corporate climate. The levels of success or failure in Indian business are directly related to the manner in which international players adjust to the unique character of Indian culture. Studies have established a strong connection between culture and business in the Indian context. Past and recent analyses on Indian negotiating style show that the styles adopted in Indian business environment are largely consistent with their cultural believes, social values, and attitudes towards life in general (Stephen, 2010). Indians embrace family values and respect the aspect of honesty, respect, order, and hierarchy. Indian culture also features a strong element of interpersonal communications and relationships. The individual is never separate from the deal. They view the negotiation in human terms rather than strictly technical business processes. In essence, Indian negotiating styles combines the values of culture honesty and details in ways that focus largely on the results rather than the processes. It is therefore important for business theorists to establish ways of establishing ways through which the synergies of culture, attitudes, and values can be incorporated into business practice. The Problem Background In India business is considered as a culture and not simply a means towards profits. Success and failure are assessed in terms of the character and ability of agents rather than logical outcomes of strategies and processes (Martin, & Chaney, 2009). In the context of international business, the negotiation process in India is considered, in many circles, as a process of balance of power and an adjustment of equilibriums between the presumed cultural greatness of the west and Indian culture. Cultural balance and cultural universalism acquire more prominence to challenge the negative assumptions resident in theories of cultural relativism as understood in business context. Indian negotiating styles significantly rely on the details (Zubko, & Sahay, 2010). Issues are broken down into their constituent parts and analyzed in accordance with the manner in which they relate to the bigger picture. In essence, the process entails the realization of a range of issues that connect with outcomes. Usually , the focus begins with the bigger picture before attention is given to the driving factors and the specifics of the deal. Clarity and order in the details of the deal becomes necessary for purposes of assessing the feasibility of the deal. Naturally, Indians prefer the guidance of clear data and mathematical procedure towards the attainment of a given goal. This trait is consistent with the cultural attachment to matters of mathematical and scientific importance.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Paramount Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Paramount - Essay Example Based on the financial statements, the EBITDA, and other indicators the investment in Paramount is a very lucrative investment decision. Refer to Excel Sheet Q1 to Q7. Based on question 5 sheet of the excel file, The merger between Paramount and Viacom will result to total combined sales of $ 6,697. Both companies cater to the same industry like entertainment, networks & broadcasting. The merger will result to cost of sales reduction and expenses of 30%. Please refer to question 5 excel sheet attached for . The only similar business they serve is the networks business. Therefore the estimated cost of sales and expenses reduction will only be an estimated 10% because the other business lines that are disadvantageously unique to one company. These are the entertainment, broadcasting, live entertainment & publishing sectors. The growth rate of Paramount will be increased by the entrance of Viacom because EBITDA will be increased as shown in the excel computations attached. This can be explained by looking at question 12 sheet of the excel file attached. The market value of the combined synergy between Viacom and Paramount is $ 42,105.30( refer to question 9 sheet of the excel file. Whereas, the market value where Paramount is not combined with Viacom is only $ 28,056.30 as computed in excel file question 8 sheet. What would happen to costs & sales growth if Q... Computations are shown in question 5 sheet of the excel file attached. What effect would Viacom have on Paramount's growth rateThe growth rate of Paramount will be increased by the entrance of Viacom because EBITDA will be increased as shown in the excel computations attached. This can be explained by looking at question 12 sheet of the excel file attached. The market value of the combined synergy between Viacom and Paramount is $ 42,105.30( refer to question 9 sheet of the excel file. Whereas, the market value where Paramount is not combined with Viacom is only $ 28,056.30 as computed in excel file question 8 sheet. What would happen to costs & sales growth if QVC bought Paramount The cost and expenses is estimated to decrease by only 10 %. The sales increase is sales will be lesser. This is discussed in question 5 sheet of the excel file. 4. What is Paramount's worth as it is What is its worth to Viacom What about QVC Argue from point of savings / synergies that Viacom would achieve. Paramount is worth is $ 28, 056.30 as shown in Question no. 9 sheet in the excel file below. When Viacom joins Paramount the additional earnings before taxes, deprecation and amortization generated for Viacom is from $134 in 1994 to $223 in 1998. Paramount is worth $7,595.75 when the multiple values are used. Paramount will be very happy when Viacom joins Paramount because now Paramount can use the facilities of Viacom to enter into territories where Viacom is having a good business. Viacom in return can use the facilities of Paramount to enter into territories dominated by Paramount. 5. Should Redstone Continue What price should he offer Should the offer Cash Stock Or combination What should he do about lock out
Friday, November 15, 2019
Discovery And Invention Of Some Areas Of Knowledge
Discovery And Invention Of Some Areas Of Knowledge Discovery and invention are two separate edges to a discussion. It is complicated to show the interrelation between the two because they do not have the same meaning. It can be said that something that exists from past but not being uncovered is a discovery. But when something new is been created to meet certain requirements are known as an invention. Reflecting back on the question my focus is to discuss the claim that some areas of knowledge such as natural science, ethics and mathematics are discovered and others are invented. By working on this claim will give me an opportunity to attempt and try exploring the world from a different prospective. In order to demonstrate the vision which claims that some areas of knowledge are discovered and others are invented can be processed by showing relevant evidence. This can be acknowledged by focusing on different areas of knowledge and creating a bond between them. This can be shown by illustrating different examples from different areas of knowledge. I am aiming to look at this essay through the lens of natural science, ethics and mathematics knowing that this claim would be well supported in two of the three areas of knowledge. There is a probability that one might not come to a final conclusion in some one statements below. Natural Science, an area of knowledge that is more discovered then invented. With time there have been many discoveries and to sustain such phenomena there have been inventions. This can be illustrated with the discovery and invention of the periodic table. According to me being a Chemistry HL student have a strong claim that natural science is almost discovered but on the contrary one can state that in todays world its all about inventions making life faster. When looking at the formation of periodic table I think, all the elements existed always and still there are many elements that are existing but are not discovered yet. As a result the elements, compounds and the properties are all being discovered with experiments and tests. Although looking at the inventions, all the 2D and 3D models created using graphic programmers and other high technology are major inventions. To explain this situation it can be stated that. These inventions of models have made the understanding of the mo lecules easier and even thought they do not exist still this can be used as a beneficial visual technique. It is much easier to visual the concept in this it can be stated that sense perception comes in role. This is how ones understanding is impacted. However in the world of science there are always exceptions, somehow there are lines drawn when a certain existence cannot be classified as a discovery or invention. For example, a hypothesis can be said as phenomenon created by the human body according to the information they were aware of, it is an imagination and creativity from a scientists brain. But theories with no proof cannot directly be considered inventions or a discovery. But my personal view is that one should not attain a biased view, rather look at the theories existing as either a discovery or invention. I hold a balance view for the rules stating that with natural science it is not that easy to group this area of knowledge being either completely about discoveries or inventions. Also looking at gravity, for example gravitation was when Newton thought of what made the apple fall on the ground. The thoughts as that gravity existed since this world, therefore this could just be considered as an discovery of gravity and the invention here was conversely the formula stating F= m x g. this is said to be an inventions which was created though many other phenomenons being involved in the understanding of the concept. According to me natural science can be associated more with discovery compare to invention. With natural science on the other extreme we have the ethics as an area of knowledge. Ethics is unique in itself. This is because I believe that ethics can be considered both discovery as well as invention at the same moment. This depends on the justification of the person and how he or she looks forward to the actual scenario. Ethics is a way to justify whether something is considered to be right or wrong. In order to balance my judgment can be influenced by many factors such as religious belief, use of laws and being ethical by following standards of behavior existing in our society. Of writing down or codifying things that most people agree are principles of good behavior. This cannot be evaluated whether or not is ethics considered to be either invention or discovery. Like, natural sciences even in this the same phenomenon comes in place. As stated above, that ethics as well is discovered more than invented. This is because when assessed it is a way in which certain things are de signed to be done, to maintain some order in the world and have peace. Personally I consider that ethics are invented. This is because we people living in the community knowing the situations make decisions considering them right or wrong. For example, some ethical values are considered to be invented, for example business ethics, people created this in order to make the community well controlled and attain certain standards. I believe ethics and moral values are created my human. But there is a counter argument to this claim. This is because, there is some evidence that ethics exists within us. This is not any concept to be invented but this is an area of knowledge that one person discovers with their personal experience or because of their parents. It has been in our life since we are born. Looking into a situation as we are told that stealing is wrong and this was discovered by us as children, when our parents scolded us for the first time we did this. This made us be aware of th e consequences and ethical implications. Our parents play an important role making us understand the importance and ethical values. We are been taught since we are young. Ethics are being built within us tenaciously. Hence this makes it a discovery. This is because the values existed and differed in different cultures but were later achieved with time. Therefore to conclude ethics one can realize that like natural science there are some inventions made such as having various ethics to follow at different situations. Also I strongly believe that Ethics is more a discovery then invention but depending on the personal reflection. Lastly mathematics is an area of knowledge with many inventions to help support the discoveries made with all the theories and formulas. Final correlation is shown between natural science, ethics and mathematics. These are three different extremes in areas of knowledge. It has been debated for a long time whether or not math is discovered or invented and according to me I believe its both to a certain extent. It can exclaimed that mathematics is a discovery and all the formulas existed they were just needed to be discovered. Or it can be articulated as simple inventions by great mathematicians putting their soul into the argument. This is a question of reflects both sides of the spectrum. Because people can either believe that mathematical truth is pure discovery with time or invention with requirements and need. I believe some laws in moths are universal facts which remain the same forever. But even if maths is considered as pure discovery there are some areas which are invented. Fo r example, if we take at a look at complex numbers. They are divided into real numbers and imagery numbers. It is said that invents are made to make the discoveries easier and self explanatory. Therefore the mathematician invented a term called imagery numbers. For example, It is been said that the square roots of negative numbers was invented by Heron of Alexandria whereas there formulas of roots or third degree polynomials were discovered by Niccole Fontana Tartaglia (cite). Then was soon realized that real solutions did exist but as certain calculations it was required to manipulate square roots of negative numbers increasing their cause of invention leading to another discovery. This again has the same link as shown above. Even maths can be considered highly a discovery but to support the understanding they needed to invent some theories which made the understanding and the concepts much organized and better and to an extent more reliable. To conclude this is a wide topic with many different ideas this does not depend on how subject to knowledge are invented or discovered but the purpose behind this holds much more of an importance.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber :: Biography Biographies Essays
Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber Over the years, there have been many criminals who have eluded the authorities, but very few have been able to avoid them for as long as the infamous Unabomber did. For 17 years the Unabomer was able to reek his havoc without getting caught. In 1978, the Unabomber started sending his bombs. Only after 17 years of searching, was the Unabomber caught and charged for his crimes. Theodore (Ted) Kaczynski was arrested in April of 1996 after the investigators searched his tiny 10x12 foot cabin in the woods of Lincoln, Montana. Ted built the cabin in 1971 and lived there by himself, with his closest neighbor being 1/4 of a mile away. The cabin had no running water, no electricity, and no plumbing. Ted's family knew there was something wrong with him ever since he was a baby. His mother said that he had strange lapses as a child where he would go silent and still. As he got older the "shut-downs" (as they became known as by his family,) started to be accompanied with rage. He never fit in with anybody his own age. For instance, when Ted was 10 years old, his father tried taking him to a boyscout meeting but Ted would not have anything to do with the other children, so his father gave up. The only thing Ted liked doing was reading and playing his trombone. Ted proved to be very smart and at the young age of 15 years, was given a scholarship to study Greek tragedy for the summer at the University of Chicago. Ted went to Harvard and graduated with a degree in Mathematics, when he was 20 years old. Ted was then offered a tenured-track job at the University of California and taught there until his abrupt resignation in 1969. His family knew nothing of his resignation until he showed up at his parents house to move in. Ted stayed with his parents for two years and during that time he had many low paying jobs, the first being a gardener at the local mall. In 1971, Ted's parents woke up to find Ted gone and only a note thanking them for letting him stay with them. The note was so short and to the point that his father thought that it he was going to commit suicide. Ted's life was far from over.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Waiting Line Essay
The growing economic importance of service activities, however, has broadened the scope of MM function (in fact, the course will Ochs more on service facilities). Large scale globalization, short product life cycle and more informed customers means that successful management of operations, careful design and efficient utilization of resources is an absolute must not only to add to the bottom line of a firm, but even for its mere survival. MM is a highly dynamic and expanding field of management. In this course, we will study both manufacturing and service operations, emphasizing their differences as well as similarities.We will examine the role of operations management in the organization by exploring a number of concepts and techniques. The interaction of operations with other business areas and environmental factors, and how operations management can contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, also will be discussed. ; Course Learning Outcomes The objective of the course is to develop your understanding of the major concepts and trade-offs involved in making MM decisions. At the end of this course, you will: 1 . Recognize the important role of operations in an organization's success 2.Develop a comprehensive understanding of operational issues and decisions and how they relate to each other, and to other areas of the organization and its environment 3. Understand related operational and economical concepts and techniques 4. Apply these techniques At the end of the course, you will be able to: 1. Identify the fundamental managerial trade-off in an operations decision environment 2. Develop a decision model and formulate an appropriate objective 3. Evaluate alternative solutions and analyze the objective to optimize the decision 4.The textbooks are not required, out are recommended. I en problems at ten Ana AT every chanter In ten textbooks are useful in preparing for the midterm and final exams. The textbooks are also reserved for your use in the Bu siness Library. ; Lecture Notes: A required course package will be sold through the Management Undergraduate Society. The course package contains the following: Allurement (1998) article, one case study, and player manual for Simulation Game. The course slides, sample midterm and final questions, end-officiate practice questions will be posted on Web.Important Note: We may skip some of the course notes during classroom discussions and we will be covering quantitative material not covered in these notes. Most of this material is also available online/on Web for download. I will also post additional materials on WEB. Please check WEB at least once before and after each lecture for posted announcements, and materials.There will be two problem set assignments during the course. These assignments will be quantitative ones, each worth 7. 5% of the total marks. Each assignment will be due in approximately a week (the exact dates will be announced later on).You can complete and submit your assignments as a group. The maximum number of students that can be in an assignment group is 4. The assignments turned in by groups of 5 or more students will not be accepted. On the other hand, you are alcove to submit an assignment that you have prepared alone. The solutions will be made available after the due-date. It is important to include your all pages together. Late submissions will not be accepted. If you miss a class, your mailed assignment, postmarked no later than the due date, will be accepted as on-time.There will be one midterm and one final exam to test your understanding of the material covered in the course. Both the midterm and the final exams are compulsory, closed book and closed notes. Students are not allowed to bring any additional material and information related to the exams. A formula sheet will be provided together with the exam. The formula sheets for the midterm and for the final can be downloaded from WEB. Note that missing an exam is an issue that yo u will have to settle first with the B. Com office. The course policy is not to offer make-up exams.GRADES The grades for the midterm and the assignments will be posted on WEB. Please check the course page whenever a new grade is available and immediately inform the instructor if there is a discrepancy. In accord with McGill University Charter of Students' Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded. There will be 1 case study assignment in the course, and it should be done in group of 6. The case study is: Delays at Logan Airport. This case is included in the course package.A number of questions will be provided during the course for the case, which should serve as a basis for group discussion and case report. These questions will be of two types. One type of questions will have a calculator figure ( ) indicating the involvement of a quantitative analysis. The other type of questions are to initiate broader discussion of the case study based on the managerial insights that can be developed from quantitative questions, case discussion among the group members and use of strategic operations management and related concepts.The full case study report should not exceed 5-pages typewritten, one-and-half-spaced, using default margins and 12-point type. Your report should start with an executive summary (maximum 0. 5 pages), which summarizes your findings. The main body of the report should present a detailed discussion based on the provided questions and your analysis of the quantitative questions. Prepare an action-oriented advisory report, which presents concisely your analysis and recommendations for solution of the primary management problems.Make sure you demonstrate that you have thought through your recommendations and the effects on other related activities. Also demonstrate that you understand the concepts and tools from the class that apply. Clearly state your assumptions. Be select ive. Do not restate case facts. Summary tables in the text are encouraged for quantitative information. In addition to the report, you may supply any number of figures (visual representations of information contained in the text), and at most four exhibits. Make sure these are referenced in the text.Do not use the exhibits to violate the page limit. The report should stand alone, and the exhibits should provide only the documentation or details of a technical analysis. The exhibits must be easily understood and all variables defined properly and all assumptions stated clearly. Discuss limitations of your analysis or recommendations. These might include assumptions you made but do not feel comfortable with, or impediments to success that may prove more difficult than you expect. Discuss potential disadvantages of your recommendations.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Communism The Ideal Society essays
Communism The Ideal Society essays Society is flawed. There are critical imbalances in it that are causing much of humanity to suffer. I suppose that this would be the driving force behind humanitys relentless search to plan and create a perfect society. An essential part of having an unflawed society would be having a perfect government. Throughout history, we have always strived to find different types of governments that would work more efficiently and more fairly for the greater good of masses. Needless to say, communism is not often revered as an ideal form of government. There is almost a unanimous sense of hatred that is emitted from all non-communist countries when the topic of communism is brought up. Many countries and societies have enacted communism and some still uphold it to this day. This very controversial issue of communism strikes a major chord in people who have lived under it. Though I am no advocate of communism, Id like to bring about the question of whether there maybe the possibility t hat there are benefits to this system of government. In, The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx is reacting to the quest for an ideal society by describing his vision of a perfectly balanced society, a communist society. Simply put, a communist society is one where all property is held in common. No one person has more than the other, but rather everyone shares in the fruits of their labors. Marx is writing of this society because, he believes it to be the best form of society possible. He believes that communism creates the correct balance between the needs of the individual, and the needs of society. He also believes that sometimes violence is necessary to reach the state of communism. This paper will reflect upon these two topics: the relationship of the individual and society, and the issue of violence, as each is portrayed in the manifesto. Before embarking upon these topics, it is necessary to establish a baseline fr...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Robespierre essays
Robespierre essays Maximillien Francois Marie Isadore de Robespierre was born on May 6, 1758, in Arras, France.He was known by his contemporaries as The Incorruptible, and also as one of the best leaders of the French Revolution. His family was said to be of Irish descent, emigrating from Ireland. His grandfather established himself as an attorney in Arras and his father followed the same profession. His father married Jacqueline Marguerite Carraut in 1757. Robespierre was eldest of four children. In 1767, Jacqueline Marguerite died, and her husband left Arras, and wandered about Europe until his death in Munich, in 1769. The four children were raised by their maternal grandparents and aunts. He was educated in Paris at the College of Louis-le-Grand and the College of Law. Robespierre became one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution and the most important interpreter of the Reign of Terror. Maximillien Robespierre became a fanatical devotee of the social theories of the French philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau. Robespierre was elected as deputy of the Estates- General that convened in May 1789, the eve of the French Revolution. He served on the French National Constituent Assembly, where his skills in public speaking soon commanded attention. In 1790, he was elected president of the Jacobin Club where he became increasingly popular as an enemy of the monarchy and as an advocate of democratic reform. These members did more than just listen to what Maximillien had to say, they idolized him. This fanatical leader had found his followers. The French monarchy fell in August 1792, and Robespierre was elected first deputy for Paris to the National Convention. At this convention, Robespierre urged for the execution of King Louis XVI. In July 1792, Robespierre was elected as a member of the chief executive body and soon gained control of the government. At this point, France was in turmoil. Robespierre aimed toward restorin ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Multiculturalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Multiculturalism - Essay Example Different races in the world are facing the problem of discrimination and multiculturalism is an aspect which allows different states to accept the ethnic culture of different people. Because of different cultures existing in the world, people belonging to one specific ethnicity prefer people of their own ethnicity over the other ethnic groups. This cartoon however shows that the gap between the ethnicity, class and races is about to finish which is not true. The races and genders still face discrimination when it comes to individuals of some other gender or race. An example here can be cited of the blacks who are presently living in the United States. These blacks are still widely symbolized as gangsters and burglars by the whites and because of such a stereotype these blacks are not able to progress in the United States as they would have otherwise. Similarly another example of the Natives can also be seen here as these people are also discriminated by the whites in America. Class which is another important factor of discrimination is also discussed in this cartoon. Different classes of people exist in this world and these classes can either be related to money, societal power or societal limitations by these classes. The classes which exist in the world today differentiate people on the basis of their class and because of this individuals of one class cannot settle with the other. An example can be cited here of the people belonging to upper class of the society. These people tend to ignore or thrash the individuals who are of a lower class or lower income group. The sense of superiority tends to prevail in this type of people and this is the root cause of discrimination amongst these individuals. The gap of multiculturalism can be bridged only if certain factors are kept in mind. These factors include the fact that the races and gender forget that they are superior to each
Friday, November 1, 2019
Down the Hatch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Down the Hatch - Essay Example All this made her to remember what happened on the previous day. She and Ingrid her friend was in deep sleep; it was a quirk of fate because nothing can be asleep when the alarms are sounding off. However, it did wake them up because the alarms were a signal that a tornado is in close proximity and not a signal for anything mundane. A possible disaster brings with it a list of things people have to do to save their lives and number one on that list is the flight to a shelter. Hence, acting fast and evacuating all the breathing mortals will save as many lives as possible. That is why both of them ran to the barn but there was no one there, not even the horses although they usually prefer to stay where they are when a disaster strikes them. Only Katrina's dog, Amber, was there; perhaps waiting for her to show up. She didn't want any animal to feel disowned under such circumstances, for she was a caring human being above anything else. Now, she reflected, she had to shelter herself and the other two from the grueling tornado. Katrina let out a peaceful sigh and looks out the window in the living room. She sees no one. Letting her gaze wander towards the sky, she notices that they turn in vivid shades of orange and green just as her eyes fixes on it and the air comes to a standstill. The sheer action seemed like a premonition of some sort. The sinister atmosphere, that resulted, alone was trying to disturb her peaceful and tranquil soul again. An adventure had occurred with Katrina and her girlfriend yesterday; it was surely an intimidating day for her but she had acted in a cool, calm and collective way and had defied all the scariness out of her. The clouds formed a thundering sound and the rain then poured with a renewed energy, Katrina didn't know it was capable of producing. Remembering what to do, Katrina, her girlfriend Ingrid and her dog Amber, took refuge in a strapping shelter situated below that barn's floor. Sited in the barn was a hatch that opened to a safe haven. Katrina and Ingrid were conversing about the vice that tornados seem to bring in the lives. The vice that make a man wonder how God can allow such things to happen to ordinary people out of the blue as they, in their sight, weren't able to do anything extremely dire to evoke the anger in God this bad. They disagreed because Katrina held a firm belief in God and thought of Him as a God and nothing else. It may stir up guilt in her later to think of God in a negative manner. The disparity between their views was mainly due to their different religions. Katrina felt disturbed as she had always tried not to bring up any talk of religions, her or any other's, between them. It only created resentments in such a beautiful relationship. "Once we were late in evacuating all the animals and so lost a couple of horses and since then, Mother tells me we never found their bodies even." Katrina said trying to steer the conversation in a new direction. Thus, they started talking about their favorite animals; Ingrid loved birds but Katrina liked the four-legged creatures better. It was startling just then to observe the discrepancy between the two friends because of the way each of them were responding to the present circumstances. For the reason that where Katrina was a simple Midwestern Christian farm girl; Ingrid was a skittish East Asian Buddhist free willed girl. Tall, lean and wary with a
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